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TÜBA International Academy Awards, which were established at the international level and open to all scientists within the scope of TÜBA's mission of encouraging and appreciating scientists and representing the Turkish scientific community in the international arena, were initiated in 2015. The International TÜBA Academy Awards were initiated to contribute to the international representation and recognition of the Turkish scientific community through the encouragement and awarding of scientists whose work and contributions to science are appreciated all over the world.

In this context, TÜBA Academy Awards is given every year in three categories. The categories are as follows;

1.     Social and Human Sciences,

2.     Health and Life Sciences,

3.     Science and Engineering.

Criteria for being a candidate;

·       Scientists with original, pioneering and groundbreaking scientific studies in related fields,

·       For the field of science announced every year, scientists who are Turkish citizens or who work in Turkey or have scientific studies related to Turkey,

·       Candidates for the Academy Awards must not have received another science award given by public institutions and organizations in Turkey at the national and/or international level within the last three years.

TÜBA Academy Awards are given to the scientists who have original, pioneering and groundbreaking studies in the relevant field. Each year, one of the awards is given alternately to scientists who are citizens of the Republic of Turkey among three categories or who have related studies related to Turkey. In this way, the award related to Turkey continues alternately between three categories.


The award winners determined by the Academy Council; Academy Award Medal, Academy Award Certificate and approximately 30,000 USD monetary awards will be presented to their owners with a ceremony to be held at the Presidential Complex under the auspices of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey.

The documents requested in the application are:

a.     Nomination Form,

b.     Turkish and English Curriculum Vitae of the Candidate

You can visit the page for TÜBA International Academy Awards Guidelines.

You can visit the page for detailed information about TÜBA Awards.


The Outstanding Young Scientists Awards Program(GEBİP) is organized every year to support young scientists who stand out with their high-quality scientific studies in their research and development of their own research groups, and to encourage young scientists in our country to conduct outstanding research.

The Outstanding Young Scientists Awards Program (GEBİP) was initiated in 2001 to bring young scientists who came to the fore with their research in our country under the umbrella of the Academy, to create a synergistic environment that will arise from their interactions with each other and with the members of the Academy, and to provide the academic and financial support and encouragement.

Applicants who meet the following requirements may apply to the program:

a.     To certify that he/she is working in Turkey or conducting scientific studies/research, or if he/she is resident/working abroad, to undertake that he/she will start working in Turkey within six months at the latest if he/she wins the GEBİP award,

b.     Not having reached the age of 39 on the date of application. One year is added to the 39 age limit of female candidates for each birth.

c.     To be a scientist who works in all disciplines, has a doctorate or specialty degree in health sciences, and has a doctorate degree in other disciplines,

d.     At least three international publications of applicants from science, engineering and health sciences; at least three publications of applicants from social sciences, at least one of which is international, depending on the field of study,

e.     Academy members and TÜBA employees cannot apply to the GEBİP Reward Program.

f.      It can be decided by the Academy Council that those who have received certain awards in the last two years cannot be a candidate for the GEBİP award.


Within the scope of GEBİP; 30.000 TL support will be given every year for three years. An additional support of 10,000 TL will be provided every year for the doctoral students at the thesis stage of the GEBİP Award winner.

Required documents for application:

a.     GEBİP Application form

·       Resume and Publication List

·       PhD Thesis

·       Proposed/Suggested Three-Year Prospective Research Project Proposal and Work Programme for the Award.

b.     If any, the letter of the rector of the relevant university or the nominating Academy member and the "Candidate Suggestion Form"

c.     Reference letters related to the candidate (At least three people). Reference letters (in Turkish or English) must be submitted by the authors to the Academy Presidency by e-mail to gebipodul@tuba.gov.tr until the  application deadline, separately from the application file.

d.     5 color photographs,

e.     Document indicating that he/she works and conducts research in Turkey (from the university or institution where he/she works),

f.      Certified photocopy of the identity card of the child(ren)of the female candidates who will submit a child for the age limit.

g.     TÜBA-GEBİP Commitment

You can visit the page for TÜBA Outstanding Young Scientists Awards Guidelines.

You can visit the page for detailed information about TÜBA Awards.