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Science Awards
Tübitak Awards




Science Award: This award is given to scientists in life who have made significant contributions to science at the international level with their studies in our country.

Special Award: As the equivalent of the Science Award, this Special Award is given to Turkish scientists living in the Republic of Turkey who have contributed to science at the international level with their studies abroad.

Service Award: It is given to people who have provided superior services to the development of science and technology in our country. Scientists who are not alive can also be nominated for the Service Award.

Incentive Award: It is given to scientists who have proven that they have the qualifications to make significant contributions to science at the international level in the future, who have not exceeded the age of 40 on the first day of the year in which the award is given, and who are resident in Turkey.

The application and evaluation process

Candidates who are alive may apply or be nominated in person for the Incentive Award. However, no personal application can be made for the Science, Special and Service Awards, and it is necessary to be nominated by others.

For Science, Special, Service and Incentive Awards;

·       Those who have received TÜBİTAK Science, Special, Service Award or TÜBİTAK-TWAS Science Award in the past,

·       Turkish Academy of Sciences

·       Senates of Universities,

·       The highest decision-making bodies of public and private sector institutions and organizations operating in scientific and technological fields,

·       Council of Higher Education (YÖK),

·       TÜBİTAK R&D and R&D Facility Units Board of Directors and TÜBİTAK Research Groups Executive Committees (in their fields of activity)

 may nominate candidates.

Applications for Science, Special, Service and Incentive Awards are  made through the TÜBİTAK Science, Special, Service and Incentive Awards Application System, which can be accessed at https://oduller.tubitak.gov.tr. The candidate to apply for the award and the nominating person or the highest official of the nominating institution/organization must have an up-to-date record in ARBIS, or if not, they must perform a "New User Registration" and the requested documents must be uploaded to the Application System in full. After the application stage is completed, the "Acceptance Commitment and Declaration Form" must be signed with e-signature by the candidate and the nominating person or the highest authorized manager of the nominating institution/organization.

Only one of the TÜBİTAK Science, Special, Service and Incentive Award categories can be applied in the same period.

Candidates born in 1981 and before cannot apply for the TÜBİTAK Incentive Award.

For each child of female applicants, one year is added to the 40 age limit.

Scientists who successfully complete the TÜBA GEBİP Award period in 2021 (qualified for the Award in 2019) can apply for the TUBITAK Incentive Award for 2022, even if they are over the age of 40.

Scientists who are entitled to receive the TÜBA GEBİP Award and successfully complete the award period (three years) can apply for TÜBİTAK Science, Special, Service and Incentive Awards.

Those who are entitled to receive the TÜBA GEBİP Award in 2020 and 2021 cannot apply for the TÜBİTAK Science, Special, Service and Incentive Awards in 2022.  

Each award type (Science, Special, Service and Incentive Awards) can be applied for up to 3 times. Applications before 2010 do not count for this restriction.

For the Science, Special and Incentive Awards; Candidates are expected to explain their reasons for deserving the award in a maximum of 750 words and to support this explanation with publications to which primary contributions have been made.

The prerequisites for the evaluation of these publications are specified in the application system.

For the Service Award; Applications should include the reasons for the candidates to be entitled to the award and the relevant document supporting this justification, if any. It should be explained in a maximum of 750 words how the candidate provides superior service to the development of science and technology in our country in terms of training scientists, working for the institutionalization of the field, establishing scientific institutions and organizations or contributing significantly to their establishment. If the person to be nominated is not alive, the application form should be downloaded, filled out and forwarded to the address below with other documents to be attached, if any.

Click for the application form.


Science, Special, Service Awards are given in the fields of Basic Sciences, Engineering Sciences, Health Sciences and Social and Human Sciences, and Incentive Award is given in the fields of Basic Sciences, Engineering Sciences, Health Sciences, Social and Human Sciences and Polar Studies. The number of Science Awards may not exceed eight, the number of Special Awards may not exceed four, the number of Service Awards may not exceed four, and the number of Incentive Awards may not exceed twenty.

Awards include the monetary award determined by the TÜBİTAK Board of Directors for each year (TÜBİTAK Science and Special Award for 2022 150.000TL, Service Award 100.000TL, Incentive Award 60.000TL) and plaques and certificates according to the type of award. The recipients of the Science Award are also given research support to be used in the researches to be carried out in the country (100.000 TL for 2022).

All evaluations and opinions made during the award evaluation process, as well as the names of the referees/consultants whose evaluations were consulted and the opinions given by them, are confidential. Those listed are outside the scope of the right to information in accordance with the first paragraph of Article 26 of Law No. 4982.

The winners of TÜBİTAK Science, Special, Service and Incentive Awards are announced in the same year and the awards are given to their owners in a ceremony to be held.

For detailed information, you can visit the TUBITAK Science Awards site.




Twas (Academy of Sciences for the Developing World) is an international organization established in Italy in 1983 in order to support scientific activities in developing countries, to meet the needs of young scientists in these countries, to increase South-South/South-North cooperation in the field of science, technology and innovation, and to encourage scientific research and experience sharing on the solution of the main problems faced by developing countries.

The TWAS Award is given to scientists who have made significant contributions in the fields of Agriculture, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Astronomy and Space Sciences, Engineering Sciences, Mathematics, Medical Sciences and Physics. This award, which is given to 9 people every two years, consists of 10,000 USD and a Souvenir.

Personal applications for this award, which is given to scientists who have lived and worked in a developing country for at least 10 years, are not accepted, and scientists must be nominated by TWAS members, or by scientific academies, national research institutions, universities or scientific organizations in developed/developing countries. Candidates must meet at least one of the following criteria:

·       Achievement of scientific research of outstanding importance for the development of scientific thinking.

·       Extraordinary contribution to the application of science and technology to sustainable development.

A nomination is considered complete only if it contains all of the following information/materials:

1.     Contact information of the person nominating the candidate,

2.     Candidate contact information and general information about the candidate, including the country where he/she has worked and lived in the last 10 years,

3.     The scientific field he/she is a candidate for,

4.     Suggested excerpt (20-25 words highlighting the candidate's scientific achievements),

5.     The supporting statement highlighting the work performed by the candidate and its importance,

6.     Biographical draft of the candidate in narrative style,

7.     Graduation information,

8.     Current position,

9.     Brief information about memberships in academia and communities,

10.  Brief information about the awards and grades received,

11.  List of the 12 most important publications listed in an internationally acceptable format,

12.  Google Scholar h-index and number of citations,

13.  The contact details (in particular email addresses) of the five referees covering a wide geographical distribution that we can contact in relation to the candidate's work,

14.  Short CV of the candidate and full list of his/her publications,

15.  The authority to process the candidate's personal data.

When filling in the form, attention should be paid to the requirements of each field (format, number of words, etc.).

For detailed information and application details, you can visit the page.