




(Accepted with the Senate decision numbered 636, “4” and dated 23 February 2023.)


Purpose, Scope, Basis and Definitions


ARTICLE 1 – (1) The purpose of this Directive is to regulate the organization, management, working procedures and principles of Sakarya University Office of the Dean of Research, Research and Innovation Strategy Board, and Research and Innovation Coordination Board.


ARTICLE 2 – (1) This Directive covers the provisions regarding the purposes, services, organization, working principles, powers and responsibilities of the officers of Sakarya University Office of the Dean of Research, Research and Innovation Strategy Board, and Research and Innovation Coordination Board.


ARTICLE 3 – (1) This Directive has been prepared on the basis of Article 12 and Article 14 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547 dated 4/11/1981.


ARTICLE 4 – (1) In this Directive:

a) Researcher shall refer to faculty members, instructors and students from all levels who carry out research activities at Sakarya University,

b) Dean shall refer to Sakarya University’s Dean of Research,

c) The Dean’s Office shall refer to Sakarya University Office of the Dean of Research,

d) Rector shall refer to Sakarya University Rector,

e) Vice Rector shall refer to Sakarya University’s Vice Rector in charge of research and development acitivities,

f) University shall refer to Sakarya University,

g) Sakarya Teknokent shall refer to Sakarya University Technology Development Zones Management Joint Stock Company,

h) Senate shall refer to Sakarya University Senate,

i) Executive Board shall refer to Sakarya University Executive Board,

j) ADAPTTO shall refer to Sakarya Teknokent Technology Transfer Office.


Purpose and Fields of Activity of the Office of the Dean of Research

Purpose of the Office of the Dean of Research

ARTICLE 5 – (1) The Office of the Dean of Research was established to facilitate the research, development and innovative ecosystem within the university, to ensure that support mechanisms can be put into effect in a more agile manner for the needs arising in relevant areas, to ensure that all kinds of support, especially guidance and financial support, are provided to protect the sustainable research environment and conditions, to provide effective solutions to the problems faced by researchers, to create a dynamic research campus environment, to lead the establishment of national and international collaborations within the scope of research, innovation and development activities, to serve humanity and nature by contributing to national and international scientific endeavors, to provide information to the University Executive Board and the University Senate on matters related to its field of duty when deemed necessary by the Rector, and to prepare draft directives and reports on these matters when necessary.

Fields of Activity

ARTICLE 6 - (1) The services provided by the Office of the Dean of Research include:

  1. To identify the problems of researchers regarding research and development activities and to make suggestions to the relevant administrative and academic units for the solution of these problems,
  2. To guide researchers so that their ideas about research, development and innovation can be transformed into projects or the most appropriate scientific study,
  3. To provide support for the creation of a more productive, efficient and sustainable research environment and to carry out the necessary studies to encourage interdisciplinary work,
  4. To provide information to the University Executive Board and the University Senate on matters related to its field of duty, when the Rector deems necessary,
  5. To present proposals, prepare draft guidelines and reports that will ensure the healthy functioning of the ecosystem on subjects and areas deemed necessary,
  6. To ensure the coordination between the University's Scientific Research Projects Commission and Coordination Office and all institutional organizations related to international relations, research, development, innovation, university-industry cooperation, etc., to cooperate when necessary, to make proposals for the establishment of the necessary organizations,
  7. To ensure coordination between Sakarya Teknokent, ADAPTTO and Sakarya University and to carry out joint studies in order to create a common research ecosystem,
  8. To make suggestions to ensure that Research and Application Centers operate productively and efficiently in line with the University's goals, to periodically report to the Rector and, when deemed necessary, to the University Executive Board and the University Senate,
  9. To make suggestions to facilitate common access to all existing research laboratories and equipment and ensure their use in the most efficient way,
  10. To provide information to students at all levels of the university in order to equip them with a research, development and innovation perspective and to contribute to the academic development of students,
  11. To play an active role in the university's performance evaluation,
  12. To organize scientific meetings, seminars, training activities etc. that will increase the institutional performance in the fields of research, development and innovation,
  13. To carry out consultancy, training and coordination studies within the University within the scope Research Support Projects carried out by TÜBİTAK, University and Industry Cooperation Projects as part of Technology Support and Innovation Programs, (1505) (in cooperation with Sakarya Teknokent Inc.), Scientist Support Programs, International Bilateral and Multilateral Cooperation Programs (Black Sea Basin, Horizon, European Union, etc.).


Organizational Structure and Duties of the Office of the Dean of Research

Organizational Structure of the Office of the Dean of Research

ARTICLE 7 – (1) The Office of the Dean of Research comprises the Dean, Vice Deans, Branch Manager and administrative staff.

The Dean

ARTICLE 8 (1) The Dean is appointed by the Rector amongst the faculty members of Sakarya University. The Dean is responsible to the Rector and Vice Rector for all activities of the Office of the Dean of Research.

(2) The Dean appoints four full-time faculty members of the University as vice deans. When the Dean is absent or leaves office due to another duty, illness, resignation or similar reasons, one of the vice deans performs this duty as a deputy. If the mandate lasts more than six months, a new Dean is appointed using the same procedure. When the dean's term of office ends, the term of office of the vice deans also ends.

Duties of the Dean

ARTICLE 9 – (1) The duties of the Dean of Research are:

a. To represent the Dean's Office,

b. To work in collaboration with the Rector and Vice Rector to develop programs and projects that will contribute to the research ecosystem,

c. To address the problems faced by researchers regarding research activities, seek solutions to problems in cooperation with relevant administrative and academic units, and ensure their coordination,

1. To ensure the coordination between Scientific Research Projects Commission and Coordination Office and all institutional organizations related to international relations, research, development, innovation, University-Industry cooperation, etc., to determine a member from the Dean’s Office who will work with them when necessary, to make proposals for the establishment of the necessary organizations, to organize activities to promote national and international collaborations and interdisciplinary studies,

d. To ensure coordination between Sakarya Teknokent, ADAPTTO and Sakarya University and to carry out joint studies in order to create a common research ecosystem, to determine the vice dean who will take part in these matters,

e. To plan the steps that will ensure that the Research and Application Centers operate productively and efficiently in line with the University's goals, to ensure the collection and evaluation of relevant data, to report to the Rector and the higher committees when deemed necessary,

f. To make suggestions to relevant units and boards on studies that will increase research, development and innovation activities throughout the university,

g. To make suggestions to ensure the most efficient use of the university's laboratory facilities,

8. To engage in activities to access and use financial support for research activities,

h. To ensure the organization of meetings, seminars, training activities etc. that will increase the institutional performance in the fields of research, development and innovation,

9. To ensure that the Dean’s Office plays an informative role in the research, development and innovation activities of the university's students at all levels,

i. To ensure that the Dean's Office plays an active role in performance measurement and evaluation issues,

j. To manage the procedures related to the activities of the Dean's Office and to make decisions regarding these issues,

k. To provide information to the University Executive Board and the University Senate on matters related to its field of duty and, when necessary, to make suggestions and prepare drafts regarding the University's regulations and directives on these matters.

Duties of the Vice Dean

ARTICLE 10 – (1) The duties of the Vice Dean are:

  1. To perform the tasks assigned to them and prepare reports in order to ensure the sustainability and efficient operation of the research ecosystem,
  2. To plan, follow up and coordinate events such as meetings, seminars and trainings carried out by the Dean's Office,
  3. To act as a Deputy Dean in the Dean's absence,
  4. To perform other tasks assigned by the Dean. 

Coordination Duty of the Dean’s Office

ARTICLE 11 – (1) The Dean's Office is responsible for carrying out activities that will promote cooperation between the Centers, Boards, Commissions and Coordination Offices of our University, providing the necessary support in the research activities of the units and analyzing the activity data that these units will submit to the Rector’s Office during the year and submitting a report to the Rector’s Office.

Duties of the Branch Manager

ARTICLE 12 – (1) The duties of the Branch Manager are:

  1. To ensure coordination among the units affiliated to them by the Dean's Office,
  2. To ensure the communication of the Dean's Office with academic and administrative units,
  3. To carry out correspondence on behalf of the Dean's Office,
  4. Organizing the Dean's Office meetings,
  5. To perform other duties assigned by the Dean and Vice Deans.


Research and Innovation Strategy Board and Research and Development Coordination Board

            Research and Innovation Strategy Board

ARTICLE 13 – (1) The Research and Innovation Strategy Board was established to contribute to the preparation of the University's strategic plan regarding research, innovation and development activities within the University and to evaluate the activities of units regarding the enhancement of the university's research, innovation and development performance.

(2) The Research and Innovation Strategy Board is chaired by the Rector and consists of eleven (11) members, including the relevant Vice Rector, Sakarya Teknokent Director five (5) faculty members to be selected by the Rector from among Sakarya University faculty members, and three (3) members to be selected by the Rector from public institutions and organizations, non-governmental organizations and private sector representatives. The term of office of the members selected by the Rector is four (4) years, and the member whose term of office has expired can be re-elected.

(3) The Research and Innovation Strategy Board meets once a year in October. The Rector may call the Board to a meeting at any time. The relevant Vice Rector chairs the Board meeting in cases where the Rector cannot chair. The Board meets with the absolute majority of the total number of members and takes its decisions by the majority vote of those attending the meeting. Decisions taken at the board meeting are sent to all units by the Dean's Office.

                Research And Innovation Coordination board

ARTICLE 14 – (1) The Research and Innovation Coordination Board consists of the Dean, faculty vice deans responsible for research and deputy institute directors responsible for research, under the chairmanship of the relevant Vice Rector, in order to effectively ensure the coordination of research activities in the faculties and institutes within the University. In cases where the relevant Vice Rector cannot chair, the Dean chairs the meeting.

(2) The Research and Innovation Coordination Board meets at times determined by the relevant Vice Rector. 


Miscellaneous and Final Provisions

Appointment of Staff

ARTICLE 12 – (1) The academic, technical and administrative staff needs of the Dean's Office shall be met by the personnel to be appointed by the Rector upon the recommendation of the Dean, in accordance with Article 13 of Law No. 2547.

Legal Clauses

ARTICLE 13 – (1) In cases for which there are no provisions in this Directive, the relevant provisions of Law No. 2547 shall apply.


ARTICLE 14 – (1) This Directive shall enter into force on the date it is accepted by the University Senate.


ARTICLE 15 – (1) Provisions of this Directive shall be executed by the Rector of Sakarya University.